Thursday, April 28, 2011

Skin layer - Pattern Generation

At the same time, we moved also in another direction, defining and studying a skin pattern that will be applied to our final surface in order to reach some specific results combining the environmental input with the architectural-building itself.

The Fashion Robot - Pattern Generation from Five Core on Vimeo.

Ground layer - Making out explorations

In order to achieve a better comprehension on what is going on under our hands and how to push the surface in the way we want, we made a really simple analysis of how our system is working and how the generative process is composed.
So below here we have some interesting diagrams.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Winding Ridges take shape - first design

We finally landed on something more concrete and physical, working with Grasshopper we made a concept design about how isocurves could be iterated and modified to generate different kind of surface that compenetrate creating a sort of multiple surface object.
Here you can find an interesting sequences of how a complex surface could be generate by simple isocurves from a flat plane.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Next Step - Investigating in different kind of transformations

After the first 125 transformations, we refined our morphogenesis techniques to explore in a closer and detailed field how an object could respond to specific external input such the sun, wind or any other fluid and how two or more elements could interact and connect by each other.